Wedge Excision for Ingrown Nails and Abscess Drainage

Ingrown Nails are typically harmless but can sometimes become painful and infected and turn into an abscess. If that happens, you need to see a doctor immediately. Your doctor may recommend Abscess Drainage or Wedge Excision to treat the problem. Interestingly, Ingrown Nails are more common in men than women. If you have an ingrown nail that’s giving you problems, please book an appointment with one of our doctors to resolve the issue at the earliest.

For an appointment, please call us on 02 6412 2033

Abscess Drainage for Ingrown Nails

There can be a number of causes of ingrown nails such as injuries, fungal infection, improper trimming of the nail, growth that’s too fast or too slow. If your ingrown nail has developed into an Abscess, you need a doctor to drain it. The doctor will make an incision to drain the pus. This will be done under local anaesthesia to prevent pain. Abscess drainage must only be done under medical supervision and should not be attempted at home. DIY treatments can make matters worse, allowing the infection to spread and affect a larger area. 

Abscess Drainage for Ingrown Nails

Wedge Excision for Ingrown Nails

For more severe cases of ingrown nails, your doctor may recommend a minor surgical procedure called Wedge Excision. It involves removing the part of the nail that is ingrown,followed by surgical excision of the nail bed in some cases. The procedure is quick and painless, so you can be done in under an hour.

If you have an ingrown nail that’s been painful or uncomfortable, it’s best to not wait for things to get worse before you see a doctor. You can eliminate it with non-surgical means if you seek treatment early. So, book an appointment with one of our doctors to discuss treatment options and recovery times.

Wedge Excision for Ingrown Nails

Contact Us Today

If you have an ingrown nail, don’t worry. Multicity Medical Centre Bega is a fully equipped facility with experienced doctors and specialists who offer in-depth analysis on your health issues and are willing to sit down and discuss your treatment options in detail. 
To book an appointment with us, call us on 0244765588

We care about your health and wellbeing just as much as you do.